Mailchimp Rainbow Room

The Rainbow Room is a brick and mortar store at Mailchimp’s headquarters filled with swag for team members. If a team member earns a coin they can use it in the shop. The rub was, there are a lot of remote employees who miss out. Solution? We helped create an online shop that allows all employees around the world to pick up swag.

Site Design, Icons, Motion


A little incentive to give that little extra.

Whenever an employee is rewarded a coin the manager receives a little something for themselves. This is an example of a coin getting dropped into the wallet of an exceptional team member.

Something for up top too.

It’s not only the people up top who get a little magic. Team members also get a little something when going into their tools and when something special drops on into that shopping bag.

Countdown and be the first in line.

There is always a little magic when a new item is dropped. When the time comes near, a countdown appears in the header to announce the new swag and when the clock hits zero, there is something to celebrate with.